This may lead to a disqualification notice saying you do not have enough wages on file to qualify for unemployment benefits, or you may receive a lower weekly benefit amount. As a result, when you file a claim for unemployment benefits, your initial monetary determination may not reflect all of your wages or employment information. When your employer improperly treats you as an independent contractor, rather than an employee, they might not report your wage information to DUA as required. You may submit your application on UI Online, or call DUA at (617) 626-6800 for assistance filing an application. Until and unless your employer can prove to DUA all three factors in the test described below, you are assumed to be their employee, and should file an application for unemployment benefits if you lost work or had your hours reduced. If your employer believes you are not an employee, they must prove that to DUA. Your status as an employee does not depend on whether your employer tells you that you are an employee or independent contractor, reports your income on a 1099 tax form instead of a W-2, pays you in cash, or tells you that you are not eligible for unemployment insurance or other benefits.

In Massachusetts, with just a few exceptions, the law assumes that any worker who provided services for an employer was an employee, and that the pay they received should count toward their eligibility for unemployment benefits. To be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits, you must have had enough earnings as an employee in the four calendar quarters before you applied for benefits. Once your benefit year expires, any unpaid benefits will no longer be available to you. Your maximum benefit credit (the total amount of benefits you are eligible to receive) is available to you for the duration of your benefit year or until you have exhausted your maximum benefit credit. This period of time is called your benefit year. Once your claim is established, it will remain open for 1 year (52 weeks). If it is determined that you have not earned enough wages under either the primary or the alternate base period, you have the right to file an appeal and present additional supporting documents at a hearing. DUA will review the information and make any necessary adjustments. If you disagree with the wages reported on your Monetary Determination Notice, you can provide proof of the wage amounts you are disputing by completing and returning the Wage and Employer Correction Sheet that was mailed to you with your notice. If you disagree with the wages reported by your employer This wage information is used to determine whether you have earned enough wages to qualify for unemployment benefits. Massachusetts employers are required to report wage information to the Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) on a quarterly basis.

How your base period and benefit year are determined Using the alternate base period will increase your maximum benefit credit by 10% or more.You don't meet the minimum eligibility requirements using the primary base period.The alternate base period can only be used if: The alternate base period is the last 3 completed calendar quarters and the period of time between the last completed quarter and the effective date of your claim. For most claimants, the primary base period is used to calculate your maximum benefit credit, which is the total amount of benefits you are eligible to receive. The primary base period is the last 4 completed calendar quarters prior to the effective date of your claim (typically the Sunday of the week that you filed your claim). The base period is defined by Massachusetts law. The amount of UI benefits you may be eligible to receive is determined by wages paid to you during either your primary or alternate base period.